One life lesson which will probably stay with all of us forever from these times is how important it is to be prepared. Now with cold weather coming at us I decided to remind us all of some good survival tips. I hope your power stays on for the entire Winter. Just in case here are important tips:
Keep a flashlight within reach with good batteries and test it.
Stock up on water and canned goods. Make sure you have a manual can opener. Or you can purchase pouches of tuna and chicken as well as individual fruit cups.
In the event of an upcoming storm fill your tub with water in case you need it to flush your toilet.
Make sure you have the number for PVM handy and wear your personal response pendant all the time.
Check with the PVM team at your community and make sure they have the contact information for your family and friends to contact in an emergency.
One new idea which my mom and I just now realized is the importance of sharing contact information with the family of your friends. She has recently found out that one of her dear friends was admitted to a nursing home; and the staff rightfully so will not give out her information to a stranger over the phone. We are working with mutual friends and her fellow church members to find her son’s contact information.
Finally, one of the best ways to get through the Winter is to get a flu shot and to follow the recommended safety protocols. As one person said it: I would rather have a Zoom holiday dinner so that my loved ones will be here next year to celebrate.
Wishing you joy, peace, comfort and safety throughout until we can welcome in a long-awaited new year in 2021.