I think for most of us being affirmed by noted experts is a joyful experience. This just happened to me the other day upon reading the September 26, 2016 issue of Time Magazine. For years I have led the charge on the notion of embracing aging. The aging process is going to occur no matter what our response is. We can either deny it, defy it or embrace it. I have found it sad that so many folks choose to be in denial. Plastic surgeons can tell you that the quest for The Fountain of Youth is surging. Yet, aging is much like everything else in life. If we have a positive attitude we create a far better life experience for ourselves. So imagine the joy I felt upon reading the Time article which was headlined with “How and social ties affect the way you age”. In it author Mandy Oaklander mirrors many of the messages my business as Your Aging Well Advisor has promoted over the years.
She reflects studies which suggest that some of the best ways to make the most of our extra years include to: Embrace technology; Have family be there for each other; Lighten up and enjoy a sense of humor; Set goals and take risks, Expect the best with a positive attitude; and my favorite, Welcome Aging.
Indeed this new longevity which many of us have been granted is providing opportunities our ancestors could only dream about. The chance to hold a great grandchild In our arms, be there for a grandchild’s graduation or wedding, launch a business at middle age, travel around the world or volunteer at something we have always wanted to become involved with are just a few of the many life experiences we now hold dear.
We can take a cue from the popular saying: “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.”, by Edith Wharton. Embrace Aging and Enjoy the world!