During turbulent times the strongest of organizations come through even stronger with the promise of longevity. Presbyterian Villages of Michigan is among them. One of the most important reasons for this is the people who make it work.
PVM’s strength comes through in large part due to the outstanding cadre of board members and donors at the system wide level and the PVM Foundation as well as the Villages level. With over several hundred combined board members PVM benefits from tens of thousands of hours of expertise and experience. From teachers and lawyers to ministers and business or civic leaders, they grasp the importance of service leadership. In addition to countless in-kind hours of service from board members they generously contribute donations which are the lifeblood of our organization. On many occasions a board member and/or donor has matched all donations up to a certain level. It is this loyalty and dedication which has allowed us to provide benevolence for residents and expanded our campuses and services to meet present day and future needs of Michigan seniors.
This is one of many reasons PVM has remained strong for 77 years and will continue to do so well into the future. Many thanks to our board members and donors for your dedication through good times and bad. Wishing all a well-earned wonderful year in 2022!