As a former state aging director and the daughter of caregivers over a twenty year period of time, I am well versed as to the joys and anguish which caregivers and their loved ones experience. And these days it is even tougher with not being able to be together.
It is really important to continue to communicate with loved ones and service coordinators as to how you are doing. Experts tell us it is essential that we do not neglect our health and medical appointments. One positive during this time is the increase in tele-health which allows us to meet with our physician remotely. PVM is investing in this capability. Talk with your caregiver children. This can be a timesaver for them. And they can also be involved in the conversation to better support you. Contact your administrator/ director or service coordinator if you would like to take advantage of this. Also, we have many opportunities to continue with fitness and wellness programs. Please also wear a mask and get your flu shot. The best gift you can give your children and grandchildren is to maintain your health. Being around for weddings, graduations and the birthday of a new family generation are blessings beyond measure.
Take Care & Stay Safe!