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25200 Telegraph Road, Suite 400 •
Southfield, Michigan 48033-7496
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan is committed to serving seniors and communities. It’s our goal to be a first-line provider of resources, including information. Aging should be an adventure, not a scary trip!
In the PVM Blog, the experts at PVM will regularly publish articles and information. Topics may range from smart ways to age in place in your long-time home, to tips on how to shop for a senior community. We will have articles on transportation, wellness, nutrition, technology, activities, outlook-on-life, and more.
Please let us know your ideas for topics and comments on our articles. We succeed as seniors in our community have the best Aging Adventure!
Lynn Alexander shares her background personally in the caregiving community, and professionally as an advocate for senior living and as Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Presbyterian Villages of Michigan. During this podcast series, Lynn will draw upon her deep experience in caregiving, senior living, and respite services to engage with expert guests and share innovative tips, resources, and support for caregivers.
Read more: Caregiver's Best Friend: Introduction: Meet Your Host, Lynn Alexander
Happy New Year to all of our readers. We wish you peace, joy, comfort and good health in the year ahead. Traditionally this is the time of year when we make New Year’s resolutions. Just take a look at the workout places right after the 1st full of members with the best of intentions. Although traditional resolutions can be positive if we stick with them, I propose a bit of a twist in this regard:
It’s Medicare open enrollment time, and the scammers are coming out in full force! These scammers are impersonating Medicare employees. These are some warning signs if they say:
Happy Fall to all of our readers. The crisp air, football games, bands and pumpkin patches along with Halloween makes this season a favorite of mine. It also brings up memories of the start of the school year. Even though my son is a grown adult with children of his own, I still feel myself looking at school ads and feeling that rush that all moms know so well. I even have strong memories from my school days.